Getting started

The following tutorial is a hello world equivalent of using tools provided by Thy Street.

About Device:

For keeping it simple, the setup that we will be using is following:

  • Hardware: ESP32 devkit v1 module.

  • Software: Arduino using

  • MQTT: Any MQTT server available public

This guide majorly focuses on how you can set up a simple workflow for your device using Thy Street APIs. If you are interested in how to set up your environment, please check out official documentation.

After a simple google search, we found HiveMQ provides a free MQTT broker in their basic plan.Set up your details and get your MQTT credentials. We will be using the following details for the rest of this tutorial:

  • Username: USER_ID


  • Hostname:

Please understand we are in no way associated with HiveMQ., and this is not any sponsored post. The decision to select HiveMQ was purely random.

You can download the stater code from github. Starter code is in starter branch.

Dashboard Actions

  • Login into the dashboard.

  • Enable payment (it takes up to 48 business hours to create your account in the payment gateway.)

  • Create a tariff card with below details:

    • Currency: INR

    • Add an entry in the tariff card with the following details:

      • Name: blink

      • Title: Fresh LED blinks

      • Minimum Value: 0

      • Maximum Value: 10

      • Increment: 1

      • Price: 10

      • Tax1 rate in percentage 8

  • Create a custom adapter to convert our HTTP webhook data to MQTT Arduino data, use the MQTT credentials created above.

Client Integration

Add authentication.

#include "DeviceApi.h"


const char *apiKey = "Thy Street API Key";
const char *apiSecret = "Thy Street API secret";

Tiny::DeviceApi api;
void setup()
    api.setAuthorization(apiKey, apiSecret);

Generate new token and set device status to available

void setup()

auto tokenResponse = api.generateToken();

Tiny::DeviceStatusDto dto;
auto resp = api.setStatus(dto);

Update your MQTT listener loop

// Mark the order status as confirmed
// Blink the LED 8 times
// Generate the token again for the next customer 
// Mark order status as completed.

As a last step, make the device public. (This is a paid action and will ask for a subscription).

Upload the code on your esp32 and start the device. Navigate to the device's page, select 3 led blinks, click on pay. Once you enter the code and make the payment, the onboard led should blink three times.

Help your customers by adding FAQs, and support information for your device.

Download and print the device's QR code, install your device and enjoy your sales on the payment gateway's dashboard.

When sharing your device installation over social media, please don't forget to tag us.

If you have a device idea feel free to discuss with the community

Last updated